Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Golf Gods

Through the years my golfing buddies and I have learned an important lesson. Let's say that we have been working on our game pretty hard and we go to the course to try it out. It sometimes starts out to be one of those magic days -- the ball goes where we plan for it to go, our putts are on the line we try to hit, we can consistently hit the ball instead of topping, hitting fat, etc. It is at this time one is tempted to say, "I think I have finally figured this game out." The lesson we have learned is to NEVER say that, because the instant you do, the golf gods take it personally and set about to prove to you just how idiotically wrong you are. The rest of the round is usually no fun at all.

As we all know, golf reflects life itself, so one should apply this principle in life as well. Sunday, I violated it. I declared that I had turned the corner with respect to my roller coaster fever. I was seriously expecting to feel good from now on. So of course it turned and bit me. I am still on the roller coaster. But the good news is that the high temps are lower than they used to be, and the peaks seem to be gradually decreasing. Mind you, I am NOT saying that they will continue that way (hear that, fever gods?) but it seems to be a trend.

I am getting a full bank of antibiotics, and a serious anti fungal medication, and likely will continue to do so until my body recovers enough to take over. My counts have not started to rebound yet, and the nurses assure me that it takes time. So please pray that the anti-stuff works, and that I can be patient.

Looking forward to getting to watch a lot of the US Open starting Thursday.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Dr. Green... Dr. Hendricks told me about your situation, and I was saddened, yet hopeful, knowing what a faithful man you are.

I always remember at the beginning of our Linear Algebra classes how you never failed to ask God's favor on our class.

I trust that our Lord is nearer to you than ever and His empowering Word resounds more vibrantly in your heart than this fever or disease does in your body. May the kindness of our God bring your body under his submission so that you may find peace in Him alone.

I'll be praying.

With fond memories, your student,
Adam Normand