Saturday, August 23, 2008

Can Someone Give Her Some Help?

By help, I do not mean physical help, rather psychological help. In the pictures you can see two more van loads of left-over garage sale items. Be and Jade went to garage sales this morning, and Be came home with two more commitments for left-over sale items. This is in preparation for another fund raising sale for Taylor's Washington D.C. trip. Granted, one of the commitments was from the Coopers, Taylor's other grandparents. But the other one was from Melaika Fitzgerald, who is about the same age as Lenna, and once lived just down the street from us and went to school with Lenna.

So this afternoon, we went to Melaika's place and FILLED the van. You can see the results stacked on our back porch and driveway. Before we could even get the van unloaded, the call came from the Coopers that their stuff was ready. We hurriedly unloaded the first van load, and then went for another one. The second photo shows what the back of our van looked like when we got home. The third photo shows a hide-a-bed and a rocking chair that are under the stuff you can see in the second photo. Fortunately, the Coopers had their stuff nicely boxed up, so we had no trouble loading it in. In fact, it is going to remain stored in our van for a few days.

Taylor will get some of the proceeds from the Coopers' sale, so she should we well on her way to achieving her goal for the trip. But Be is once again having to go through the massive job of organizing and pricing a LARGE amount of stuff for another sale.

Woe is she! When will she learn?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Better News Than Could Be Hoped

My surgery went well today. Mrs. Dr. Bruton did it, and I like her much better. I do not have a pin in my toe because the area seemed stable to her, so it is held in place by a splint inside the boot. I am to keep my foot above my hip most of the time until my appointment with the Mrs. Dr. Monday. She also wants me to take the pain medicine until then even though I seem to not need it, so I will.

The sad part is that I will be wearing the boot when school starts. But the good news is that I will be able to teach all my classes, and I will not have to go to the pre-session meetings, nor to the opening chapel. Yeah!

Thanks for your prayers. They are working. Love to all.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Countdown Is On

Monday, my primary care physician was a bit chagrined that I was not able to have my surgery last week. But he ordered more blood tests, and said that he would check the results on Tuesday, and anticipating that they would not be too bad, he would try to expedite my surgery. He followed through, and I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow (Friday) at 10:00 am.

Therefore I have started getting stuff done that I need mobility to accomplish. Yesterday I went to my office and got as much done as I could hope for. This morning I got up early and started pulling up the dead sunflowers in the garden. Be was pleased about that, because she was thinking that she would have do it by herself. And those sunflowers make her itch something crazy. She came back from running in time to help me finish the job, and you see the result in the photo.

I am playing golf this afternoon at the Abilene Country Club. The club is letting the University Church have a "last round of golf with Eddie Sharp." We get a box lunch, a cart, warm-up balls, and 18 holes of golf for $20. That is a great deal, and things have worked out so that I can do it. I feel blessed.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Want to See Something Really Cool?

Here is something I find incredible. Go to the web site and in the box next to the Search Maps tab type the following address: 1365 Cedar Crest Dr, Abilene, TX 79601, and then click on the Search Maps tab.

Next click on the Street View tab in the top right part of the picture. You should now see a little man and some streets marked in blue. There should also be an "A" tab in the picture. It is supposed to be at our house, but it missed us a little to the left. So drag the "man" to the blue street which curves in front of our house a little to the right of the "A" tab. You should be able to see our windmill now. You can rotate the picture 360 degrees, and can move up and down the street. You can also zoom in a little bit. Is that not wild? I just moved to a place on the street so that I can see both our windmill and our house in the background.

Now for the best part. I want to test your deductive reasoning skills, especially Tuell's. Move the little man to the back of our house and rotate so you can see our back yard. Here is the test: When was this picture taken? First one to comment a correct answer gets a raucous round of applause.

Woe Is Me

Yesterday I was supposed to have my second (and last) toe surgeried. Alas, Mrs. Dr. Bruton would not do it. I am a bit anemic -- my hemoglobin is a bit low and I have a slightly low white blood cell count. She called my primary care doctor, Dr. Martin, but he was on vacation. This is twice that doctors' vacations have left me hanging this summer. Anyway, I will see Dr. Martin Monday to see how to proceed. I surely hope I can get the surgery done before school starts, even though that means I will have to wear a boot into my classes. But we will see. When I know something, I will let you know. Please pray that the correct decisions will be made.