Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 6 - Movin' on up - to the penthouse

It worked the way I hoped. I went to bed and slept. I really rested last night, and took no pain medicine. Today I slept very little. Just some cat naps, but I always do that. Praise God!

I felt good all day today. Be went to church with Tinker and Betty, and came to the hospital in time to eat her lunch while I ate mine. But that is the last time for a while that we will eat together because a room finally opened up in the protective environment (PE) area.

When we learned we were moving up to the 10th floor, we also learned that we could watch a video clip describing what it would be like up here. BIG MISTAKE! It turns out the video is out-of-date and it scared us to death. It talked about Be having to be behind a glass panel and talking to me by phone. It also said I could not have my cell phone or computer in the room. We both almost cried.

But it is not like that. They accepted all of my stuff into the room. Be can be in the room with me but she has to wear a cap and gown. (She must be graduating.) I also have some minor inconveniences. I have to potty in a bag, and take only sponge baths. They trying to prevent places where fungi can grow. The air in the room is circulated and purified six times every hour.

It feels very pure in here, maybe a whiff of heaven's environment? God is good.

Oh, and Tiger came from 4 back and won the Memorial Golf Tournament.

1 comment:

Hoosier46 said...

Interesting that we both used the term "moving up." Think you should have mentioned that the bag you use is connected to a bedside commode? Sounds a little more comfortable, maybe.