Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 7

Today I did not feel bad and I did not feel good. I slept between 5 and 6 hours last night, and took a few short naps today. But the main thing is that I seem to running through ALL the side effects of chemo. Now I am developing a rash. It has not been very itchy, but the nurse just brought me some creme to help it heal and ease the itch. I even got a back rub from her since Be is back at my brother's place. I also started some diarrhea this morning. They gave me a pill for that and all is ok so far.

We discovered in the PE it is more difficult to keep me supplied with clean clothes, and they will not permit my usual habit of bathing and changing only once a week. So before she came here today, Be went to target and bought me some more pajamas. I wear pajama bottoms and T-shirts that I got for giving blood at Meek Blood Center. It is ironic isn't it? I donated almost 16 gallons of whole blood, and now I am quickly getting it back. Today it was a bag of platelets and another bag of red blood cells. I should feel better tomorrow.

The day seemed to pass pretty quickly, and I got in two sessions of more than 10 minutes each on my "exercise bike." I will post a photo when I get the cable to download it into the computer.

Be went to the second (and last) of the classes she has to attend to learn how to be prepared to take care of my infusion port when I am discharged from the hospital. But she cannot eat in my room, so we cannot have lunch together. She took care of both those chores efficiently. I think you know that she has to wear floppy shoes, a gown, gloves, and a mask the entire time she is here with me, while I am free as a bird. She is a real trooper. On the other hand, she gets to go out of the room and I do not.

I have a different doctor seeing me now, but she says essentially the same thing he did. Today she asked me how I am doing. I told her that I did not know, and would she tell me. She said I am doing good.

Finally, Be observed that many, many people are praying for us, so she offered to pray for their requests if they would send them. She reads them to me and I pray also. When I have trouble sleeping at night, I start praying. Then I fall asleep. When I wake later and need to fall again, I start right where I left off.

God hears our prayers, and He is good.

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