Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 2 Finished

I take the infusion chemo at midnight each night. I was planning to just sleep through it, but as you know, it did not happen. I finally got about an hour of sleep from 10:30 to 11:30 last night, so I needed to do something to help me sleep during the infusion. So I walked in place in my room for about 10 minutes to get my body tired. And it worked! The nurse started the infusion and I fell asleep. I woke when she came back at 1 am. I tried to go back to sleep and it would not happen. About 2:00 am I started feeling nauseous. After about 30 minutes of trying to will the nausea away, I called for some medication. The medicine knocked me out and a person woke me at 6:30 to draw blood. After that I was in and out of sleep, but still feeling poorly. Finally at about 8:30 I felt good enough to order breakfast.

Be came at about 9:15 as I was eating. She is still having trouble finding a spot to park in the cheaper lot. But we are still exploring options for parking.

Both yesterday and today, a young summer intern from the Life Line ministry of the Bering Drive Church of Christ came in to visit us. It turns out that he just finished his sophomore year at ACU. He is very nice and offers to help us in any way he can. Also a lady from the M. D. Anderson blood bank came in yesterday, and she encouraged Be to donate platelets while she is here. In Abilene, we cannot both give whole blood AND platelets, but here you can. So Be plans to do that in the morning at 10 am. She left at 5:30 so she could go to church with Tinker and Betty.

I was given another unit of blood this afternoon and I am feeling quite alert and strong tonight. In fact, I put on my face mask and walked around the nurses' station several times. It felt good to walk.

Now I wait for the third bout. Thank you for praying. God is good.


shreena5 said...

I was so hoping you wouldn't get nauseous! At least they have meds for that, which do double duty as sleeping pills! :)

Hoosier46 said...

I love to see you lie in bed asleep because then I know that you are comfortable. Keep watching that boring golf channel!