Friday, July 11, 2008

Fix That Toe

I have got some pressing issues out of the way and am ready to start being more regular in posting some daily life details. So I will start with my recent surgery. Arthritis has destroyed both of my big toe joints. I am getting my toes so they will move again via a type of surgery called a Keller bunionectomy. The surgeon has to open up the toe joint, clean off all the bone spurs (which were on top, bottom, and both sides), then saw off a part of one bone. As you probably know, a joint consists of a convex part on one bone and a concave part on the other bone. The part that is sawed off is the concave part from the smaller bone. Then some of the natural encapsulating tissue around the joint is stuffed into the gap and sewed in place. The joint is then held rigid with a pin for 4 weeks while scar tissue and whatever else fills in the gap so the toe will heal in the correct place. To keep from bending and hitting the pin, I have to wear a boot, which is really a cast that I can take off for a little bit if things get itchy or hurting. But I cannot let my toe get wet for the entire 4 weeks to keep from getting an infection.

My blood work indicated that I might have a higher-than-normal chance of getting an infection, so he has put me on two weeks of a very expensive anti-biotic medication. The photos show me pre-surgery, post surgery, and (do not look if you have a queasy stomach) the PIN!

I will give some more details in the next issue of the News From Bo.

Love to all.


Groakin said...

Yes, we all know all about toe joints. That bit of information was SO redundant.

Looks like someone mistook your toe for a pin-up board. Gross!

And, are you sure you did not have medication in your body in that first picture? You look a little groggy already. Probably from getting up at 4 AM (or whatever).

Sharla said...

Livian's response to your pictures: "Oh, GROSS!!!" (giggle giggle)