Saturday, May 24, 2008

Garage Sale Finds

Today, Be and I went to some garage sales. At one we found a serger sewing machine. The people selling it go to our church, and they are preparing to become missionaries, so they will not be needing the machine any more. We did not "need" it either, but I was considering buying it because it was a good price, and was such a cool machine. Then Be had the idea that Sharla might like to have it, so we called her right then. Cell phones are so nice! The short end of the story is that we bought it for her, and you can see two views of it here.

We also bought a new exercise machine. Be calls it a "glider" so I will also. You do a sort of walking motion on it, and it keeps up with calories used, distance travelled, carbohydrates burned, time, heart rate, and some other stuff. We both used it this afternoon. My excuse for wanting to buy it is that I am committing to exercise more, and this seemed to be something I could and would do while I watch TV, or whatever. I hope it keeps me going with the exercise.

1 comment:

shreena5 said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! What an awesome find! I can't wait to try it out. I'm searching online for the least expensive instruction booklet; it won't be too hard to find one. I still can't believe you found a serger for me -- I'd been looking at them and pricing them for the last couple months!!!