Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Six Families. Huge!

The advertisement in the newspaper said, "Six families. Huge."
Here is how you count the "families." First, our family. That is, Taylor's stuff and our junk.
Second, the leftovers from a garage sale in the Canterbury Trails area. We do not even know the name of the people, but there were at least two families involved in that sale.
Third, a whole van load of leftovers from the Willingham's estate sale.
Fourth, some things from Lenna and Jade.
Fifth, some really nice things from Steve and Carin Ezzell.
Finally, some things from Gene and Jeanette Linder.

All of these things (except Taylor's) were donated to help Taylor raise money for her trip to Washington, DC, which is to happen in March. These pictures were made during the sale. The recliner in the first picture was for sale but didn't sell. Nothing sold for more than $10, and there were only two of those items. But the quantity of stuff that was sold is indicated by the fact that Taylor cleared $350 in the sale. That was well beyond our expectations. By the way, we sold our dining room table--the only one our kids have ever known at our house. There was a bit of nostalgia in that.

After the sale, we took three wheelbarrows full to the dumpster. Yesterday we took several boxes of items to Goodwill. And we have a stack of stuff to take to the Christian Service Center. Be worked like you cannot imagine on this sale. Taylor owes her -- bigtime!

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