Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am a little slow on the uptake, but eventually I usually catch the clues. While down in Houston, it finally dawned on me that Be and I own a CLUNKER. When we bought a second car, we kept the CLUNKER because we could get almost nothing for a 1990 GMC van with 240,000 miles and no air conditioning. Besides, we needed a utility vehicle. But I decided to check out the Cash-for-Clunkers offer when we got back to Abilene.

There started to be more and more alerts that the Obama money was running out. I figured that we had missed our opportunity, but decided to call Toyota anyway because there is a salesman there that we trust. Then I ended up in the hospital! Did that deter us? Us, two of the most financially conservative people in the world? Of course not.

Today we put a down payment on a new Toyota truck without even going to the Toyota dealership. We called Rick and asked him to see what he could work out trading in our van on a small (cheap) pickup. He came back with $4500 for our van, $500 from Toyota, and $100 they get paid to dispose of the old car which they pass on to us. That is, a $5100 discount. Over the phone we put down a deposit, and they started looking for such a truck since they did not have one in stock. We are getting a new Toyota truck for a little more than $14,000. Genius or insanity? We will see, but the deed is done. Can you believe it? We do not even know the brand of the pickup or the color (but the color will probably be white or silver), but it is a four cylinder engine and has air conditioning.

Let the kudos or catcalls begin!


Kristen said...

That's a pretty different way to buy a vehicle. You must REALLY trust that Toyota guy! Congrats and hope you love it!

BoGreenNews said...

I now know that it is a white Toyota Tacoma.

Tuell said...

I vote for insanity!

Congratulations, anyway. I hope you love it.