Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Countdown Is On

Monday, my primary care physician was a bit chagrined that I was not able to have my surgery last week. But he ordered more blood tests, and said that he would check the results on Tuesday, and anticipating that they would not be too bad, he would try to expedite my surgery. He followed through, and I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow (Friday) at 10:00 am.

Therefore I have started getting stuff done that I need mobility to accomplish. Yesterday I went to my office and got as much done as I could hope for. This morning I got up early and started pulling up the dead sunflowers in the garden. Be was pleased about that, because she was thinking that she would have do it by herself. And those sunflowers make her itch something crazy. She came back from running in time to help me finish the job, and you see the result in the photo.

I am playing golf this afternoon at the Abilene Country Club. The club is letting the University Church have a "last round of golf with Eddie Sharp." We get a box lunch, a cart, warm-up balls, and 18 holes of golf for $20. That is a great deal, and things have worked out so that I can do it. I feel blessed.


Groakin said...

And just think, you would not have been able to play this round of golf if you had had (Sharla probably won't like my "had had") your surgery last week! Very interesting.

BoGreenNews said...

I am aware of the interesting turn of events that occurred. I told Eddie Sharp, "It took a series of unfortunate events for me to be able to participate in this round of golf." By the way, it was great fun, and no scores were officially kept. Each foursome played a scramble, and played either two or three holes with Eddie. My foursome was 8 under, but not because of me.