Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Flowers, and Other News

In a very nice gesture, Be's three children cooperated in sending her some beautiful flowers for Mother's day.

I walked in the Abilene Relay for Life April 29. I walked 10 miles to reach my goal, and Be walked with me. We started the walk at about 7 pm and were home by midnight.

We took a few breaks during the walk. The longest break was for the Luminaria Ceremony. In this ceremony, white paper bags containing battery powered "candles" are placed entirely around the track and the lights in the stadium are turned off. Each sack has the name of a cancer survivor or someone who has died from cancer. It is quite sobering to see how many people have been touched by cancer. The sacks were about 1 to 2 feet apart all the way around the track. We sat in chairs behind my sack during the ceremony. It was very windy.

I was walking in an effort to raise money for the American Cancer Society. With very little effort on my part, several generous and kind people gave a total of $1070 in my honor. Because of that I was given a nice green T-shirt which I wore proudly for the last 10 laps. On the back of the shirt was written "$1000+".

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