Monday, May 17, 2010

Adapted Psalm 130 Song

A small group meets at our house every Sunday afternoon except for Care Group Sundays. Lately we have been studying Psalms and different members of the group lead the discussion each week. I had volunteered for last Sunday. I decided on Psalm 130 which is a song of ascent. So it had probably been sung in various settings of worship, especially in and around the temple. But it also had possibly been sung by the Hebrew travelers as they made their treks to Jerusalem for worship.

I remembered the time in Yosemite National Park when our family walked the rim trail, right at the top of steep cliffs. Lenna was 5 years old, and I held her hand, or carried her the entire time we were on that trail because I was afraid she would fall over the cliff. I tried to entertain her by singing "The Happy Wanderer" over and over. I have very fond memories of that hike.

So I decided to write words that capture the essence of Psalm 130, and fit to the tune of "The Happy Wanderer." Here is the result. It is only effective if you sing it.

1. Out of the depths I call you Lord.
O Lord, please hear my plea.
Let your ears care to hear my word
As I cry for mercy.

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Praise the Lord,
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
He is good, he is kind.
Hallelujah, praise the Lord.

2. If you, oh Lord, kept score of sin
Could anyone survive?
But with you all my sin’s forgiv’n.
I revere you while alive.

3. Deep in my soul I wait for him
On his word I rely.
Throughout the night I hope in him
More than guards seek morning sky.

4. O Christians, hope in God maintain;
Trust his eternal love.
For full redemption you will gain;
Sin vanquished from above.

1 comment:

Hoosier46 said...

Praise God! This is great - goes right along with Psalm 130 and captures its essence. It was fun singing it with the group.