Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dying Candle

A person is, apparently, never too old to live and learn. In the first photo below is a candle that burned lower to the bottom than any of our candles had ever done. We were fascinated with it. The wick was not in a metal support but was folded to the side at the bottom. So eventually the entire wick was burning across the bottom of the candle. We decided to just watch the eventual demise of the candle while we ate supper.

As you can see, the candle was on a glass candle holder that kept the wax from running onto the table. Everything was under control. Then the glass exploded. We had glass in our tomatoes, in our french fries, on our onions, and there was a fire burning on our table.

At this time we had a major disagreement: I proceeded to try to blow out the fire and Be was arguing for smothering it. I blew it out before she could stop me. Here is a picture of the spot that now remains on our table. Live and learn.

1 comment:

Tuell said...

Wow! That looks bad! I wonder how hard it will be to get that burn mark off the table!