Thursday, January 8, 2009

Look At That Smile

Taylor celebrated Rho's birthday by going to the orthodontist and having braces glued to her teeth. For quite some time she has thought that having braces would be a cool thing. Now she has them, and it is painful. She is not yet able to play her flute because it makes her lip press against her braces and causes her teeth to hurt. But she has progressed to the point that she can blow a note or two.

Some of the other consequences about having braces on her teeth are that Be is having to be very creative in what she fixes for Taylor to eat. Also we have a boat load of cleaning tools and cleansing agents taking space in the bathroom. Finally, we have to dig very deep in our pockets to pay for this torture. Is it worth it? Yes.

But in this modern age, one gets to choose colors for the rubber bands that pull on the teeth. See if you can identify the two colors that Taylor chose.


Hoosier46 said...

I can "guess," but I won't spoil the fun.
You didn't mention that she is not allowed to eat a lot of the junk food she loves including chips, nuts, Jolly Ranchers, caramels, etc. At this point, anything "hard" is out of the question. She has a good attitude though, so that is nice.

shreena5 said...

I'm guessing purple and green? Wow, now she officially looks like a teenager! Gorgeous!!!

lenna said...

im guessing green and purple to. Thay look nice. You look cool Taylor!!!!