Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Again I dress up as myself for Halloween

Rho called the other night and made a suggestion for how I could dress up for Halloween this year. I once before had dressed up as myself, and called it "Narcolepsy Man." So Rho suggested that I do something celebrating the fact that I now have a low white blood cell count. So there you have it! A Count is appropriate for Halloween, and I had the cloak for my Count routine at ACU. Here is the result. One of the close-up pictures shows my face with the white blood on it and the sign I wore so that people could know who I was. The other one shows a close-up of my feet. I could actually walk around in those shoes. Some of the kids at the trunk party at church (which gave us the opportunity to wear a costume) were utterly fascinated by my costume. You could see the wheels turning as they were sorting through why my legs were so short, and they were always pleased when they figured out that I was standing on my knees. The final picture is of both Be and me, and shows that I really was LOW, a LOW WHITE-BLOOD COUNT.

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